Friday, June 28, 2013

Term 3 Schedule

Dear girls,
Welcome back! I hope you had a good break during the June holidays. Our training session will resume as per scheduled. 
Here is our Term 3 schedule:
Tue, 2/7
Thu, 4/7 (VIA with Towner Garden is still pending)
Tue, 9/7
Thu, 11/7
Tue, 16/7
Thu, 18/7
Tue, 23/7
Thu, 25/7
Tue, 30/7
Thu, 1/8
Tue, 6/8
Thu, 8/8 (No Training - Hari Raya Puasa)
Tue, 13/8
Thu, 15/8
Tue, 20/8
Thu, 22/8
Tue, 27/8 (*P4 CT - MA)
Thu, 29/8 (*P4 CT - SC)
*Note: P4 girls may be excused from training to prepa for their CT papers
Tue, 3/9
Thu, 5/9 (No Training - Teacher's Day Celebrations)
See you girls very soon! Enjoy your last June holiday weekend!

Warmest Regards,
Mdm Rasyidah
CHIJ (Katong) Primary